Studio Job - About

Studio Job was founded in 1998 by Job Smeets in the renaissance spirit, combining traditional and modern techniques to produce once-in-a-lifetime objects. At once highly specific and yet entirely universal, personally expressive and yet experimental, Studio Job has crafted a body of work that draws upon classical, popular and contemporary design and highly visual and sculptural art.



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The studio of today

A vast range of crafts are practiced

at Studio Job, where traditional craftsmen such as sculptors and specialists in casting bronze and stained-glass windows, work alongside experts adept in using lasers and 3D printing. Based in both in the Netherlands and Milan, Job Smeets leads as art director, artist, and designer.

The history of studio job

Prime movers in contemporary applied art

Studio Job was founded in 1998 by Job Smeets in the renaissance spirit, combining traditional and modern techniques to produce once-in-a-lifetime objects. At once highly specific and yet entirely universal, personally expressive and yet experimental, Studio Job has crafted a body of work that draws upon classical, popular and contemporary design and highly visual and sculptural art. The work Studio Job creates is heraldic and regal even in it's imagery. As sleek as the finished work can be, it is also instinctual and almost primal.

"High-end Kitsch"

Technique, science and ornamental designs

come together in their work as examples of what can be described as Gesamtkunstwerk – a total art work or an all embracing art form.

Job Smeets is a pioneer of contemporary conceptual and sculptural design. The results of his work range from unique bronze artwork in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, to a royal stamp featuring the Dutch King (forty million pieces produced) from the unique life-size bronze sculptures on Miami Beach, to the one-off Wunderkammer curiosity cabinet that Studio Job produced for Swarovski in Innsbruck. All Studio Job projects are distinguished by a love of detail, freedom of expression and blend of 2D and 3D. With more than 400 exhibitions, including solo shows, around the world Studio Job’s work can be found in many important museum collections.

Their iconic, heraldic and cartoon-like sculptures are popular with collectors world-wide. Proclaimed one of the most influential design teams by the Financial Times, Studio Job are passionate about building up an oeuvre that is becoming increasingly extravagant in its details and increasingly personal.

Proclaimed one of the most influential design teams by the Financial Times

The studio works across many areas including art, design, fashion, architecture and interiors having worked with a vast range of high profile clients including sculptures for Swarovski, Barneys and Land Rover, and product collections for many brands such as Alessi, Swatch, Moooi and Pepsi to name a few. In 2017 Studio Job teamed up with Italian manufacturer Seletti to form the joint brand BLOW producing products in their pop spirit with a radical twist. Studio Job are consistently ranked as one of the world’s most influential players within design and art. Their highly collectable work creates a bridge between object and product by merging monumental design and functional art.


Site of the Day, Awwwards

The Weird Nominee, The Webby Awards,

AD100, Architectural Digest Most Influential

Lovie Awards, Gold Winner, Retail & Shopping

Lovie Awards, Gold Winner, Weird & Experimental


Dezeen Hot List, London

Elle Decor International Design Awards, Milan, Best Floor Covering (Bisazza and Nodus)


Design Miami Designers To Watch, Forbes, USA

Product of the year, Yatzer

World’s Most Wanted, Wallpaper*, London

Elle Decor International Design Awards, Milan, Best Wall Covering


Best Dutch Designer, EH&I, Amsterdam

Best of 2014, Hall Of Fame, Interior Design

Product of the year, Yatzer

Product of the year, AD Germany

World’s Most Wanted, Wallpaper*, London

AD100, Architectural Digest Most Influential


Best Dutch Designer, EH&I, Amsterdam


Job Cabinet, 'Wallpaper Design Awards, London

Furniture of the year, Raum und Wohnen, Cham

Job Cabinet, Elle Decor Intl Design Award, Milano

Best Dutch Designer, Eigen Huis & Interieur, Amsterdam

Elle Decor International Design Awards, Milano, Best Furniture


Perished Persian, Elle Decor Intl Design Award, Milano

Dutch Design Awards, Eindhoven


Top 10 most influential design, Financial Times, London

Design of the Decade, Boco, Taiwan

Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam

Design Flanders, Brussels


The 100 Hot List, Queensland Homes, Australia

Le meulleur du Design, AD Collector, Paris

Pyramid, Rotterdam Design Prize, Rotterdam


Archistar, L’Uomo Vogue, Milano

Best of The Brands, Elle Decor, London

Gevel Totaal, Rotterdam

Nationale Staalprijs, Rotterdam


Paper Chandelier Elle Decor Intl Design Award, Milano

The Style & Design 100, Time (Magazine)

Winner Woonbeurs Pin, Amsterdam


Elle Decoration Intl Design Award, Elle Decor, Milano


Elle Decoration Intl Design Award Elle Decor, Milano

Best breakthrough designers, Wallpaper Design, London


Bombay Sapphire prize, Londen


Harrie Tillie Prize, Stedelijk Museum, Roermond

Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam

Inside Design, Elle Wonen, Amsterdam


Woon Awards, De Woonbeurs, Amsterdam


Rotterdam Design Prize, Rotterdam

Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam


Dutch Culture Prize, The Netherlands


Startstipendium, Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam

Foundation Sofa, the Hague


Rene Smeets Prize, Design Academy Eindhoven